I mentioned in last year’s yearbook that there are two things that Reidland UMC has been known for: (1) our preschool, and (2) our wheelchair ramp ministry. We still have an incredible reputation for our preschool, and the waiting list for next fall is proof positive that we are making a difference in our community.

And if my stats are correct, our United Methodist Men paid more on projects than any single church in our conference ($12,000), where either United Methodist Men or United Methodist Women were concerned. The church and group that came closest to us were the Methodist Men of my home church, Martin FUMC. The other two churches were large churches in Memphis.
Of late, our older adult ministry program is another ministry our church is known for; so much, in fact, that other area churches are copying what we’re doing. I can see us one day in the near future having a paid staff person who coordinates older adult ministries.
So, what we do well includes:
- Preschool Ministry
- Wheelchair Ramp Ministry/Mission
- Older Adult Ministry

What if we had an after school program for youth? A place for kids to hang out, perhaps get tutoring? We certainly have the location. Perhaps we could ask other church youth groups to go in with us. We would certainly need adult help for supervision and assistance. We would have to coordinate our efforts so as not to interfere with preschool. We would have to be prepared for a little more wear and tear on our facilities. But we are quickly becoming a church that needs to be able to schedule more than one thing at a time (in reality, we already are). And, if we are to be a light for the world, shouldn’t we be doing this for God?
What do you think? Like I said in last week’s newsletter, as your pastor, I’d like to know what you think. Come by, and the coffee’s on me.
Even if you want to go to Starbucks.
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