Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Patience, Grasshopper

Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.

― Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Patience does not always come easy - and at General Conference, it can be a dirty word to some. "Let's get this done already!" "Are we ever going to get done at this pace?" These and similar phrases come early and often.

I suspect patience and wisdom are sisters to each other, and both are related to how we listen to each other and to God. Today, may our patience and wisdom outweigh our need to manage and insist - knowing that God's way is far better than our own.
Almighty God,
Help us to pause this day,
To hear, reflect, and perfect how we act,
How we speak, and how we go forward to do your will.
Help us to remove the "my" and replace it with "our,"
And may we be patient with each other, and with you.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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